Sepsis is a life-threatening condition that arises when the body's response to infection causes injury to its own tissues and organs.[5] This initial stage is followed by suppression of the immune system.[9] Common signs and symptoms include fever, increased heart rate, increased breathing rate, and confusion.[2] There may also be symptoms related to a specific infection, such as a cough with pneumonia, or painful urination with a kidney infection.[3] The very young, old, and people with a weakened immune system may have no symptoms of a specific infection, and the body temperature may be low or normal instead of having a fever.[3] Severe sepsis causes poor organ function or blood flow.[10] The presence of low blood pressure, high blood lactate, or low urine output may suggest poor blood flow.[10] Septic shock is low blood pressure due to sepsis that does not improve after fluid replacement.[10]
Andrew J Brent
Sepsis occurs when a dysregulated host response to infection causes
potentially life-threatening organ dysfunction. It is usually caused by
bacterial infection and carries a 30% mortality, causing millions of
deaths worldwide each year. New definitions have recently been pub-
lished for clinical practice and research. Effective management re-
quires prompt recognition, antimicrobial therapy, source control and
supportive treatment. Early, appropriate antimicrobial therapy is asso-
ciated with improved survival from sepsis. Rapid identification and
control of the source of infection (e.g. drainage of pus) is equally
important in many cases. These and other elements of the initial man-
agement of sepsis are incorporated into the ‘Sepsis Six’ bundle of
Keywords Antibiotics; antimicrobial therapy; infection; MRCP;
sepsis; septic shock
Sepsis describes a syndrome of life-threatening organ dysfunc-
tion caused by a dysregulated host response to infection. It is
usually caused by bacterial infection. Various definitions have
been proposed for both clinical practice and research. The pre-
vious definition of a systemic inflammatory response syndrome
(SIRS) to infection was poorly discriminative. Two new defini-
tions were published in 2016 as part of management guidelines
from an international critical care task force (Sepsis-3)' and the
UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)? —
see below.
Sepsis has a mortality of approximately 30%, causing around 5
million deaths worldwide and >40,000 deaths in the UK annu-
ally. Common presenting syndromes include pneumonia, intra-
abdominal and urinary sepsis, and skin and soft tissue in-
fections. Causative agents depend on the syndrome, host and
clinical context. Gram-negative infections account for an
increasingly large proportion of cases, particularly of healthcare-
associated infections.’ Risk factors for infection are summarized
in Table 1.
Highly conserved microbial structures, like lipopolysaccharide
(endotoxin) in Gram-negative bacteria, trigger pattern recogni-
tion receptors (e.g. Toll-like receptors) causing a cytokine
cascade, leucocyte, complement and coagulation activation, and
Andrew J Brent macp PhD DTM&H is a Consultant and Honorary
Senior Clinical Lecturer in Infectious Diseases at Oxford University
Hospitals Foundation Trust and the University of Oxford, UK.
Competing interests: none declared.
Sepsis occurs when a dysregulated host response to infection
causes potentially life-threatening organ dysfunction with a
mortality of approximately 30%
Early recognition and treatment of sepsis saves lives
Management includes antimicrobial therapy, source control
and supportive care
vascular endothelial dysfunction.’ Microvascular thrombosis
caused by dysregulated coagulation, combined with vasodilata-
tion and hypotension, causes tissue hypoperfusion, and oxidative
stress worsens mitochondrial dysfunction.
The downstream effect of this proinflammatory response is
impaired tissue oxygenation. The resulting tissue injury releases
endogenous proinflammatory molecules that perpetuate the in-
flammatory response and organ dysfunction. Compensatory anti-
inflammatory mechanisms increase vulnerability to secondary
infections. The balance between pro- and anti-inflammatory ef-
fects and the resulting clinical phenotype vary during an episode
and between patients.
Clinical presentation
Clinical features of sepsis are related to the systemic inflamma-
tory response, the infection focus and organ dysfunction (Table
2).° Symptoms and signs vary considerably and can be subtle,
particularly in young children and elderly or immunocompro-
mised individuals.
Septic shock occurs when severe sepsis leads to circulatory
failure and metabolic abnormalities, defined as persisting hypo-
tension requiring vasopressors to maintain mean arterial pres-
sure >65 mmHg and serum lactate concentration >2 mmol/litre
despite adequate fluid resuscitation. It carries a mortality of
Screening and diagnosis
Screening for sepsis is now routine in many settings. However,
there is no consensus on the best screening approach.
The Sepsis-3 guidelines’ advocate two-stage screening of
adults with suspected infection to identify those at highest risk of
poor outcome. Sepsis is defined as the presence of >2 ‘quick
SOFA (qSOFA)’ parameters (respiratory rate >22/minute, altered
mentation, systolic blood pressure <100 mmHg) plus an increase
of >2 in the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score.
The 2016 NICE Sepsis guidelines’ risk-stratify adult and
paediatric patients with suspected infection according to the
presence of ‘high-risk’ (Table 2) and ‘moderate-to-high-risk’
criteria. These are incorporated into age- and setting-dependent
algorithms dictating further investigation and treatment. How-
ever, their complexity has attracted criticism, and high-quality
evidence to justify much of the complexity is lacking.
Several large studies have demonstrated the superiority of
Sepsis-3 over the old SIRS criteria for predicting adverse outcome
© 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Please cite this article in press as: Brent AJ, Sepsis, Medicine (2017),
Risk factors for sepsis
Increased risk of « Environmental factors (hygiene,
infection sanitation)
e Susceptibility of individual organs to
infection, e.g.:
e Chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease, bronchiectasis — respira-
tory infections
o Lymphoedema, ulcers, psoriasis,
etc. — skin infections
o Urethral catheter — urinary tract
Impaired immune e Congenital immunodeficiency
response syndromes
e Neutropenia
e Splenectomy/hyposplenism
e latrogenic (corticosteroids, chemo-
therapy, biological agents)
e Other chronic conditions (e.g.
malnutrition, diabetes mellitus,
Increased risk of organ failure from
reduced physiological reserve, e.g.
heart failure, chronic respiratory dis-
ease, chronic kidney disease
Neonates and infants (immature im-
munity, limited physiological reserve)
e Elderly patients (immune senescence,
Ethnicity (incidence higher among
some racial groups)
e Sex (incidence higher among male
e Specific immune defects, e.g. defect
in terminal complement pathway
leading to increased risk of menin-
gococcal sepsis
Pre-existing organ e
Extremes of age e
Other genetic factors e
Infection management e Delayed or inappropriate initial
treatment of bacterial infections in-
creases risk of progression to sepsis
Table 1
and death among adult inpatients with suspected infection. The
limited data available to date suggest that the NICE criteria are
less discriminating. Interestingly, in a recent large study, the
National Early Warning Score (NEWS) was more discrimi-
nating than SIRS or qSOFA among >30,000 adult inpatients.”
Using a generic early warning score to identify the sickest pa-
tients is attractive because early warning scores are already
embedded in clinical practice, and sepsis is only one (albeit
important) cause of clinical deterioration. Sepsis may be incor-
porated into NEWS2, to be published later this year.
The best approach to sepsis screening among children, preg-
nant women and non-hospital settings is even less clear. Identi-
fying sepsis in children is particularly challenging because viral
infections that do not require antimicrobial therapy represent a
large proportion of the presenting caseload. Early data suggest
poor specificity of the NICE algorithms, and a number of different
paediatric early warning scores and alternative screening tools
are used.
The key principles of management are prompt recognition, early
appropriate antimicrobial therapy, source control, supportive
treatment and antimicrobial stewardship (Table 3). Elements of
the initial management of sepsis are incorporated into the Sepsis
Six bundle of care.
Rapid clinical assessment is indicated for all patients with
suspected sepsis. As for other medical emergencies, use an
‘assess and treat’ approach to quickly establish the key elements
of the history and examination, and — if the working diagnosis of
sepsis is confirmed — start treatment. Rapid delivery of a bundle
of care comprising elements of the Sepsis Six (Table 3) has been
associated with reduced mortality in sepsis.”
Investigations aim to confirm the presence, source and severity of
infections and alternative diagnoses (Table 3). Where possible, it is
important to obtain samples for microbiology before administering
antibiotics to maximize culture sensitivity. Except in exceptional
circumstances, at least one set of blood cultures should be ob-
tained. The timing of other cultures (e.g. urine, cerebrospinal fluid,
repeat blood cultures for suspected endocarditis) depends on the
clinical presentation, illness severity and likely delay in obtaining a
sample; in general, however, antibiotics should not be delayed in
true sepsis. Ifin doubt, discuss the patient urgently with a senior or
infection specialist.
Antimicrobial therapy should be administered as rapidly as
possible in sepsis, and within 1 hour, as early appropriate anti-
biotics are associated with improved survival.* The choice of
initial empirical antibiotic therapy depends on the presenting
clinical syndrome (including likely focus of infection, neu-
tropenia, etc.) and should follow local guidelines based on the
most likely pathogens and susceptibility profiles. The need, route
of administration and choice of antibiotics should be reviewed
daily in light of clinical progress and investigations.
Source control is equally crucial to the management of many
focal infections and should be performed as rapidly as possible. It
includes removal of infected lines/devices, drainage of collec-
tions, nephrostomy insertion for an infected-obstructed renal
system, washout of infected joints, etc. Although some patients
may first need to be stabilized, source control is in some cases
(e.g. necrotizing fasciitis) just as or more important than anti-
microbial therapy.
Supportive treatment includes oxygen to treat hypoxia and
ensure good tissue oxygenation, and intravenous fluids to opti-
mize tissue perfusion. Vasopressors and inotropes may be
required in septic shock, mechanical ventilation for severe
pneumonia or acute respiratory distress syndrome, and renal
replacement therapy for acute kidney injury. Patients who
© 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Please cite this article in press as: Brent AJ, Sepsis, Medicine (2017),
Clinical features of sepsis
Systemic inflammatory response
Infection focus including signs of inflammation
(pain, warmth, swelling, erythema, loss of
Organ dysfunction
NICE high-risk (‘red flag’) sepsis criteria
AKI: acute kidney injury.
© Malaise, lethargy, loss of appetite, myalgia
e Fever, hypothermia, rigors
e Tachycardia, tachypnoea, respiratory distress
e Altered mental state, delirium, acute functional decline
© Rash (e.g. meningococcal sepsis, disseminated intravascular coagulation, toxic shock
e Pneumonia: dyspnoea, cough, tachypnoea, hypoxia
e Urinary sepsis: dysuria, frequency, pain
e Skin/soft tissue infection: erysipelas, cellulitis, abscess
© Biliary sepsis: jaundice, abdominal pain and tenderness
e Meningitis: headache, neck stiffness, photophobia
e Cardiovascular: hypotension/shock caused by vasodilation (warm peripheries), or
myocardial injury + hypovolaemia (cool peripheries + mottled skin)
e Acute respiratory distress syndrome: tachypnoea, hypoxia
e AKI: oliguria, fluid overload, acidosis
e Metabolic: acidosis (AKI; tissue hyperperfusion causing lactic acidosis)
e Endocrine: impaired glycaemic control, adrenocortical dysfunction (including Waterhouse
—Friedrichsen syndrome — acute adrenal haemorrhage), sick euthyroid syndrome
© Others: ischaemic hepatitis, paralytic ileus
e Objective evidence of new altered mental state
e Respiratory rate >25/minute or new hypoxia (SaO, breathing air <92% or <88% in
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
e Heart rate >130/minute
e Systolic blood pressure <90 mmHg, or more than 40 mmHg below normal
e Not passed urine for >18 hours or urine output <0.5 mV/kg per hour
e Mottled/ashen skin, non-blanching rash, cyanosis of skin, lips or tongue
* Note overlap between mechanisms and features of systemic inflammation and organ dysfunction.
Table 2
Sepsis management
Rapid assessment
Immediate management
Monitoring and
treatment escalation
Source identification and control
‘Assess and treat’ approach to confirm diagnosis and start treatment
‘Sepsis Six’ care bundle to be delivered as soon as possible and within 1 hour:
ea Pe Np
Blood (tother) cultures; consider source control (see below)
Venous blood gas (including lactate, haemoglobin, electrolytes)
Start monitoring urine output (consider urinary catheter)
Give oxygen to keep SaO, at 94-98%
Give intravenous fluids guided by clinical response and lactate concentration
Give empirical intravenous antibiotics according to local guidelines
Complete clinical assessment and initial investigations, including full blood count, urea and
electrolytes, liver function tests, C-reactive protein, clotting; + other cultures (e.g. urine, cere-
brospinal fluid, pus), chest X-ray
Transfer patient to appropriate care setting (e.g. high-dependency, intensive care)
Ensure regular monitoring of vital signs (e.g. every 30 minutes, depending on clinical response
and setting)
Inform senior clinician responsible for patient. Ensure regular continuing clinical review
Organize additional investigations (e.g. imaging) to confirm site of infection
Remove/drain any controllable source of infection as soon as possible, e.g. removal of infected
lines, drainage of collections, washout of infected joints
(continued on next page)
3 © 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Please cite this article in press as: Brent AJ, Sepsis, Medicine (2017),
Table 3 (continued)
e Vasopressors, inotropes (consider corticosteroids for refractory shock)
Critical care Further organ support as required, including:
e Mechanical ventilation
e Renal replacement therapy
Antimicrobial stewardship °
Review antimicrobial therapy daily in light of clinical progress and investigations
e Consider switching to oral antibiotics, narrowing or changing therapy in the light of microbiology
results, or stopping antibiotics if no longer indicated
* Target Sa0, 88-92% if risk of type 2 (hypercapnoeic) respiratory failure.
Table 3
present in septic shock or who fail to respond to initial therapy
should be referred early to intensive care for further organ
Although supportive treatment is important to allow time for
antimicrobial therapy and perhaps source control to contain the
infection, attempts at ‘early goal-directed therapy’ to achieve
intensive physiological homeostasis, defined by specific haemo-
dynamic indices, has not shown benefit in large randomized
controlled trials.”
Adjunctive therapies are, despite several clinical trials, not
supported by available evidence for standard management of
sepsis. Intravenous immunoglobulin has a specific role in man-
agement of severe group A streptococcal infections, including
toxic shock, syndrome and possibly necrotizing fasciitis.” Corti-
costeroids are sometimes given for refractory septic shock (e.g.
hydrocortisone 200 mg/day) in addition to vasopressors and
inotropes; however, high-quality evidence is lacking.’
Strategies include management of underlying risk factors (Table
1), vaccination, prophylactic antibiotics for selected groups (e.g.
in asplenia) and timely treatment of infections to prevent pro-
gression to sepsis. rd
1 Singer M, Deutschman CS, Seymour CW, et al. The Third Inter-
national Consensus Definitions for Sepsis and Septic Shock
(Sepsis-3). J Am Med Assoc 2016; 315: 801—10.
2 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Sepsis: recogni-
tion, diagnosis and early management. NICE guideline no. 51. 2016, [Accessed 26 May 2017].
3 Angus DC, van der Poll T. Severe sepsis and septic shock. N Eng! J
Med 2013; 369: 840—51.
4 Churpek M, Snyder A, Han X, et al. Quick Sepsis-related Organ
Failure Assessment, systemic inflammatory response syndrome,
and early warning scores for detecting clinical deterioration in
infected patients outside the intensive care unit. Am J Respir Crit
Care Med 2017; 195: 906-11.
5 Daniels R, Nutbeam T, McNamara G, et al. The sepsis six and the
severe sepsis resuscitation bundle: a prospective observational
cohort study. Emerg Med J 2011; 28: 507-12.
Hotchkiss RS, Monneret G, Payen D. Immunosuppression in sepsis: a
novel understanding of the disorder and a new therapeutic
approach. Lancet Infect Dis 2013; 13: 260—8.
Linnér A, Darenberg J, Sjélin J, et al. Clinical efficacy of polyspecific
intravenous immunoglobulin therapy in patients with streptococcal
toxic shock syndrome: a comparative observational study. Clin
Infect Dis 2014; 59: 851.
Sepsis Trust. Clinical toolkits.
(accessed 26 May 2017).
To test your knowledge based on the article you have just read, please complete the questions below. The answers can be found at the
end of the issue or online here.
Question 1
A 70-year-old woman presented with a 3-day history of fever and
On clinical examination, her temperature was 39.7°C, heart rate
120 beats/minute, blood pressure 100/45 mmHg, respiratory rate
20 breaths/minute and oxygen saturation (SaO,) 96%. There
were no clear focal symptoms or signs of infection.
Which additional features in the history might be an indica-
tion not to give immediate antibiotic treatment?
She is on penicillin prophylaxis for asplenia
Previous aortic valve replacement
Recent chemotherapy for breast cancer
Recent travel to visit family in Nigeria
Severe allergy to all B-lactam antibiotics
© 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Please cite this article in press as: Brent AJ, Sepsis, Medicine (2017),
Question 2
A 57-year-old woman presented with a 2-day history of fever,
hyperglycaemia and a painful left foot. She had type 2 diabetes
mellitus and a long-standing ulcer over the left first meta-
tarsophalangeal joint that had become more sloughy.
On clinical examination, her temperature was 37.9°C, heart rate
115 beats/minute, blood pressure 110/50 mmHg, respiratory rate
24 breaths/minute and oxygen saturation (SaO2) 94%. The left
forefoot and midfoot were swollen, red and warm. A routine
admission screen for methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus
(MRSA) is negative.
She was treated promptly with intravenous fluids, intravenous
piperacillin—tazobactam and oral metronidazole and a variable-
rate insulin infusion. Despite this, 36 hours later she remained
febrile, tachycardic and hyperglycaemic.
Which of the following actions provides the best chance of
resolving the continuing sepsis?
Administer oxygen via a facemask
Complete a 14-day course of antibiotics
Resuscitate with fluid to treat hypovolaemia
Switch to intravenous meropenem plus vancomycin
Refer urgently refer to orthopaedics for surgery
monw >
Question 3
A 31-year-old man presented with a 2-day history of increasing
malaise, lethargy, headache, fever and chills. He had cut his
hand gardening a few days previously. There was no significant
past history.
On clinical examination, his temperature was 38.8°C, heart rate
95 beats/minute, blood pressure 95/50 mmHg, respiratory rate
19 breaths/minute and oxygen saturation (SaO,) 94%. There
were no focal symptoms or signs of infection, but he had a
diffuse erythematous rash over his trunks and limbs. His venous
lactate was 2.9 mmol/litre (0.6—1.8).
Despite rapid administration of appropriate antibiotics, oxygen
and intravenous fluids, he became progressively hypotensive,
requiring vasopressors and inotropes.
What additional therapeutic intervention might be indicated
in the management of his sepsis?
Activated protein C concentrate
High-dose methylprednisolone
Intravenous antifungal therapy
Intravenous immunoglobulin
Urgent diphtheria antitoxin
moan >
© 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Please cite this article in press as: Brent AJ, Sepsis, Medicine (2017),