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Organophosphate poisoning accounts for nearly one third of hospital admissions from poisoning in Sri Lanka. Organophosphorus insecticides inhibit the enzyme acetyl cholinesterase (AChE) at nerve endings by phosphorylation,

40resulting in accumulation of acetyl choline at receptor sites. This

occurs at the neuro-effector junctions, skeletal neuro-muscular

junctions, autonomic ganglia and in the brain.

After ingestion, symptoms can occur almost immediately.

However, symptoms following occupational exposure may be

delayed for a few hours or days.

Certain organophosphates (e.g. methamidophos) can damage the

axons of peripheral nerves, causing weakness or paralysis and

paraesthesia of the extremities. Clinical features appear a few

weeks after the poisoning episode and persist for several months.

No useful therapeutic measures, apart from physiotherapy, are

available for this condition.



Clinical features observed after ingestion can be divided into four


(a) Muscarinic effects (actions at post-ganglionic parasympathetic

nerve endings): Nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, diarrhoea,

tenesmus, involuntary defaecation, sweating, salivation,

rhinorrhoea, lachrymation, small or pin point pupils, blurred vision,

wheezing, rhonchi, crepitations, productive cough, pulmonary

oedema, dyspnoea, cyanosis, tightness of the chest, urinary

frequency and incontinence, bradycardia, cardiac arrhythmias and

conduction defects.

(b) Nicotinic effects (actions at neuro-muscular junction): Muscle

twitching, incoordination, fasciculations, weakness, paralysis, and

cranial nerve palsies. After apparent recovery, sudden respiratory

failure may develop 24 to 96 hours after poisoning with some

organophosphates (intermediate syndrome).

41(c) Central nervous system effects: Headache, general weakness,

giddiness, mental confusion, disorientation, ataxia, convulsions,

coma and depression of the respiratory centre.

(d) Other effects: Hyperglycaemia, acute pancreatitis and rarely

ventricular tachycardia may be present. The ECG may show

prolongation of the QT interval. In 1 to 3 weeks, patients may

develop a polyneuropathy, manifesting as a paralysis of distal

muscles of limbs, numbness, and burning and tingling sensations.

This complication is observed with certain organophosphates only.

Acetylcholinesterase activity

If facilities are available, determine the plasma (pseudo)

cholinesterase and/or red blood cell acetylcholinesterase (RBC

AChE) enzyme activity. Check with the laboratory for the correct

collection technique, as some assays may give misleading results if

incorrectly handled.

The AChE activity may be a useful guide to therapy in a number of

different ways:

• Reduced activity (<80% of the lower limit of normal





organophosphorus/carbamate poisoning.

• The extent of depression roughly correlates with clinical

severity (RBC AChE only). Less than 25% of normal

activity is usually associated with severe toxicity.

• It can be used to monitor the effects of pralidoxime (the

RBC-AChE should increase if the oximes are effective).

• It can indicate when oximes are ineffective (the RBC

AChE will not increase after a dose).

• It can monitor if it is safe to stop oximes (either RBC


ofAChE or plasma ChE will fall rapidly if oximes are

stopped too soon – and they can be restarted. If they do

not fall over 6 to 12 hours there is no significant

organophosphorus still present).

• The plasma ChE can also indicate there is no more

organophosphorus present in patients not on oximes

(plasma ChE will rise steadily back to normal over about a

fortnight after the organophosphorus is eliminated).


This can cause cough, difficulty in breathing, bronchitis and


Eye contact

Irritation or pain, lachrymation, swelling, miosis, blurring of vision

and photophobia may result from eye contact.


Check airway, breathing and circulation. Patients with

respiratory failure that has not responded to antidotes (atropine

and pralidoxime) will require mechanical ventilation.

Consider the need for gastric decontamination once the patient

has been stabilized, and if indicated, atropinised. Do not

perform gastric decontamination until the patient is stable, and if

necessary, intubated.

Ipecac therapy and forced emesis are contraindicated.

Consider gastric lavage or aspiration of ingested liquid poison by

a small flexible nasogastric tube only if it can be performed

within 2 hours of ingestion. (See page 4) If consciousness is

43impaired insert a cuffed endotracheal tube to protect the airway

prior to lavage.

Administer 1gram/kg activated charcoal orally or via nasogastric

tube at the end of the lavage.

Watch for convulsions and treat these with diazepam IV

immediately if they occur.


The following features of cholinergic syndrome should be


• Poor air entry into the lungs due to bronchorrhoea and


• Excessive sweating

• Bradycardia

• Hypotension

• Miosis

Severely poisoned patients are typically covered with sweat, and

have small pinpoint pupils and laboured breathing (often with

marked bronchorrhoea and wheeze).

The presence of pinpoint pupils, excessive sweat, bronchospasm

or crepitations suggests that the patient requires atropine. The

heart rate may be slowed, but normal or even fast heart rates are


If none of these signs are present careful observation is still


Atropine dosing:

44A major priority is to atropinise symptomatic patients. Only

consider the need for gastric decontamination once the patient

has been stabilized, and if indicated, atropinised.

If the clinical presentation is not clear but organophosphorus

poisoning is a possibility, administer atropine 0.6 – 1 mg. A

marked increase in heart rate (more than 20 – 25 beats/min) and

flushing of the skin suggest that the patient does not have

significant cholinergic poisoning and further atropine is not


For an unconscious patient give atropine 1.8 – 3 mg (three to

five of 0.6 mg vials) rapidly IV into a fast flowing IV drip.

Three to five minutes after giving atropine check the five

parameters of cholinergic poisoning. A uniform improvement in

most of the five parameters is required, not improvements in just

one. However, the most important parameters are air entry on

chest auscultation, heart rate and blood pressure.

If after 3-5 min a consistent improvement across the five

parameters has not occurred, then more atropine is required.

Double the dose and continue to double each time that there is no


Once atropinised, a patient will have clear lungs, adequate heart

rate (more than 80 beats/min) and blood pressure (more than 80

mmHg systolic with good urine output), dry skin and pupils no

longer pinpoint, an infusion may be set up if careful monitoring

facilities are available.

In the infusion give 10-20% of the total amount of atropine that

was required to load the patient every hour. If very large doses

(more than 30 mg) were initially required, then less can be used.

45Larger doses may be required, if oximes are not available. It is

rare that an infusion rate greater than 3-5 mg/hour is necessary.

Such high rates require frequent review and reduction of the rate

of infusion as necessary.

Review the patient and assess the five parameters every 15

minutes to see whether the atropine infusion rate is adequate. If

atropinisation is lost, (for example, if there is recurrence of

bronchospasm or bradycardia), give further boluses of atropine

until cholinergic signs disappear and increase the infusion rate.

Target end points for atropine therapy are:

• Clear chest on auscultation with no wheeze.

• Heart rate between 80 – 100 beats/min.

• Pupils no longer pinpoint.

• Systolic blood pressure > 80 mmHg.

• Dry axillae.

The aim of atropine therapy is to clear the chest and reach the

end-points for all five parameters. There is no need to aim for a

heart rate of 120-140 beats/min. This suggests atropine toxicity

rather than simple reversal of cholinergic poisoning.

Tachycardias are not a contraindication for atropine if other

features suggest under atropinisation.

However, such high heart rates will cause particularly severe

complications in older patients with pre-existing cardiac disease

and even myocardial infarctions may result. Tachycardia may

also be caused by hypoxia, agitation, alcohol withdrawal,

pneumonia, hypovolaemia and fast oxime administration.

Pupil dilatation is sometimes delayed and other parameters

usually improve much more rapidly.

46When all the parameters are satisfactory the patient has received

enough atropine and is atropinised.

Once the parameters have settled see the patient half hourly for

the first 6 hours to check that the atropine infusion rate is

sufficient and that there are no signs of atropine toxicity.

Excess atropine causes confusion, urinary retention,

hyperthermia, bowel ileus and tachycardia. The presence of all

these signs suggests that too much atropine is being given. The

infusion should be ceased and the patient reviewed after 30

minutes to see whether the features of toxicity have settled. If

not, continue to review every 30 minutes.

When atropine toxicity settles restart at 70 – 80% of the previous

rate. The patient should then be seen frequently to ensure that

the new infusion rate has reduced the signs of atropine toxicity

without permitting the reappearance of cholinergic signs.

Most ill patients will be catheterized after resuscitation to

observe urinary output. Urinary retention cannot then be used as

a marker of atropine toxicity.

Recurrence of toxicity requiring atropine therapy commonly

occurs after poisoning with fat soluble organophosphates such as

fenthion that leak out of fat over day and even weeks. Recurring

cholinergic crisis may occur with little notice.

Deaths have been reported with atropine overdose where IV

infusions were given without close monitoring in wards.

A febrile patient should receive sedation if there is excessive

agitation and active cooling. Lay a towel soaked with water over

the patient’s chest and place in a fan’s airflow. Cold water

soaked towels can also be placed at points of maximum heat


Reduce agitation with diazepam 10 mg IV repeated as necessary

in an adult up to 30 – 40 mg per 24 hours. Tying a nonsedated

agitated patient to the bed is associated with complications,

including death. Such patients struggle against their bonds and

generate excess body heat which may result in hyperthermic

cardiac arrest.


Give 30 mg/kg loading dose of pralidoxime over 10 – 20 min

followed by a continuous infusion of 8 – 10 mg/kg per hour until

clinical recovery (for example 12-24 hours after atropine is no

longer required or the patient is extubated) or 7 days which is

later. Less severely poisoned patients can be given intermittent

doses (1 gram 6 hourly by slow IV bolus over10-20 mins)

Oximes are not required for carbamate poisoning.

Respiratory failure

If facilities permit give patients a general anaesthetic and

intubate and mechanically ventilate them. This should reduce

the number of deaths from respiratory complications.

Intermediate syndrome

Watch for early signs of intermediate syndrome. Weakness of

neck flexion is common and the patient has difficulty lifting their

head off the pillow. Subsequent signs include the use of

accessory muscles of respiration, nasal flaring, tachypnoea,

sweating, cranial nerve palsies and proximal muscle weakness in

the limbs with retained distal muscle strength.

48Supportive therapy

Temporary pacing may be necessary to terminate ventricular tachycardias with QT prolongation.

Anticipate and treat bronchopneumonia with appropriate antibiotics. Chest physiotherapy may be necessary.

In severe poisoning management in an intensive care unit can be life-saving. REFERENCES

1. Roberts DM, Aaron CK. “Managing acute