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 Cobra Envenomation

Updated: Aug 03, 2022

Author: Bobak Zonnoor , MD, MMM; Chief Editor: Joe Alcock, MD, MS  more...


Practice Essentials

Cobra envenomation is an extremely variable process. The lethality of the venom itself varies

significantly - depending on the species, age of the individual snake, suspected seasonal variation in

venom composition, route of enoculation (intravenous, intradermal, subcutaneous, etc), and many

more factors.


Many patients recover with no specific treatment.

The neurotoxic effects of cobra venom are reversible, though motor recovery may take up to 7 days -

and as many as 10 weeks. [1]

Reports of death within 1 hour of cobra bite exist, but a timeframe of 2-6 hours is more typical of fatal


Digit or limb amputation may result with secondary infections following an initial bite. Marjolin ulcers

may also form from chronic lesions.

Corneal erosions can develop secondary infections which may lead to permanent blindness with

venom introduced into the eyes.

Patient education

Advise amateur herpetoculturists bitten by a venomous snake in their collection to not keep such

animals. If they previously have received antivenom, their risk for an allergic reaction may be increased

should antivenom use be required again in the future.

Signs and symptoms

Signs and symptoms following a cobra bite can be extremely variable:

Immediate, local pain (almost always present)

Soft tissue swelling (may be progressive)

Tissue necrosis with surrounding blistering and regional lymphadenopathy

Nausea and vomiting (earliest sign of systemic envenomination, typically within 6 hours) [1]

Early neurologic findings: contraction of frontalis muscle causing elevation of brows, ptosis,

ophthalmoplegia, blurred vision (ocular muscles highly sensitive to neuromuscular blockade),

loss of visual accommodation due to mydriasis, perioral paresthesia

Later neurologic findings: dysphagia, dysphasia, paralysis of palate and jaw muscles, tongue

paralysis, neck paralysis, respiratory arrest. Despite occuring later, findings may be rapidly

progressive within minutes to hours. [1]

Autonomic dysfunction: profuse salivation, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, blood pressure

and heart rate abnormalities

Alteration of mental status (eg, drowsiness, occasionally with euphoria)

Chest pain or tightness, shortness of breath

Eye pain, tearing, blurred vision (with eye exposure to venom from spitting cobras)


Laboratory studies offer no diagnostic benefit for snake envenomation. Baseline labs (eg, complete

blood count [CBC], electrolyte tests, renal function studies, coagulopathy panels) may be reasonable in

severe bites or if the patient has significant underlying medical problems. Coagulopathy is not an

expected feature of bites by most cobras, though prolonged bleeding and failure of clot retraction

have been reported following bites by African spitting cobras and anticoagulant proteins have been

identified in the venom of the African ringhals (Hemachatus haemachatus).

An arterial or venous blood gas may be helpful in gauging respiratory status.

In some regions of the world, researchers are developing immunologic tools, such as enzyme-linked

immunosorbent assays (ELISAs), to aid in species identification and possibly in severity grading.

Consider a chest radiograph for patients requiring intubation or showing evidence of cardiorespiratory


An electrocardiogram (ECG) should be obtained if the victim complains of chest pain or if there is

evidence of dysrhythmia.


For a full discussion, see Treatment and Medication.

The definitive therapy for cobra envenomation is antivenom administration. This should be started as

soon as possible if evidence of systemic envenomation is present. Supportive care should be provided

throughout the patient's course - from pre-hospital until discharge with follow-up. 


Venomous snakes are divided into families, of which the major ones are elapidae and viperidae.

Physically, elapidae have shorter fangs, smaller heads, and smooth scales. Viperidae have stockier

triangular heads wider than their necks, hingeable fangs that fold against the roof of their mouths, and

ridged scales. However the distinction of interest for this article is venom. As a general rule-of-thumb,

elapidae venom causes neuromuscular deficits - mainly flaccid paralysis - while viperidae venom

focuses on local effects, including tissue necrosis, rhabdomyolysis, coagulopathy, and bleeding. As a

disclaimer, these descriptors are generalized and individual species may differ from them. For

example, venom of African spitting cobras primarily cytotoxic and coagulopathic effects with

significantly less neurologic impact.

Cobras belong to the elapidae family and is the common name for snakes belonging to the Naja

genus. Although primarily found in Africa and southern Asia, they are well recognized around the world

- in large part due to its unique neck hood but also because of its debilitating venom. They have long

held importance in their respective local cultures as creatures of danger but have permeated beyond

into literature, media, folklore, etc. To many people, the cobra is the quintessential venomous snake.

As for physical attributes, cobras are generally large snakes, measuring 1.2 to 2.5 meters in length.

The king cobra, which may reach 5.2m, is the longest of the cobras - and in fact, they are the longest

venomous snake in the world. When encountered, cobras usually try to escape but occasionally

defend themselves boldly and may appear aggressive. Cobras will elevate their head and spread their

characterstic neck hood, typically only seen in a defensive mode. They are also said to produce a

growl-like sound.

Most snakebites are inflicted on body extremities. By far, rural agricultural workers and other people in

Asia and Africa receive most bites while working outdoors without protective wear. Children and

young people tend to suffer more morbidity and mortality. In North America and Europe, captive

cobras may cause bites to zookeepers or amateur collectors. [2, 3]

Not all snakebites result in envenomation, that is the introduction of venom into a victim typically via

injection by fangs. Reports of dry bites is skewed given difficulties in accurately determining if venom

was injected and in general lack of reporting of bites. Given this however, a literature review showed a

wide incidence of dry bites based on snake species, ranging from 4% to 50%. [4]

In addition to biting, some cobra species have the ability to eject or spit jets of venom toward an

aggressor, usually directed at the eyes in an effort to temporarily blind it in order to stage an escape.

The fangs of these species are specially modified with the discharge orifice on the anterior face rather

than at the tip. The effective discharge range is 1 meter but can reach up to 3 meters. This ability is

found in African and Asian spitting cobras as well as South African ringhals, belonging to the Elapidae

family that appear very similar to but are not true cobras.

When venom contacts the eye, acute ophthalmia occurs with symptoms of immediate and intense

pain, blepharospasm, tearing, and blurring of vision. Systemic toxicity does not occur with eye

exposure, but corneal ulcerations, uveitis, and permanent visual impairment or blindness have been

reported in untreated cases. About half of the cases ascribed to the African spitting cobras (N

nigricollis, N mossambica, N pallida, N katiensis) showed corneal ulceration, and some resulted in

permanent blindness. Occasionally, ocular exposure occurs when a person has venom on their hands

(as following laboratory venom extraction from a snake) and rubs his or her eyes. [5]  Cases ascribed

to the Asian spitting cobras and the African ringhals are usually less severe. 


The envenomation of some cobra species causes profound neurological abnormalities (eg, cranial

nerve dysfunction, abnormal mental status, muscle weakness, paralysis, and respiratory

arrest). However with other cobras, cytotoxicity and local tissue damage is the primary concern and

presentation - especially regarding bites from African spitting cobras (Naja nigricollis, Naja

mossambica, Naja pallida, and Naja katiensis), the Chinese cobra (Naja atra), the Monocellate cobra

(Naja kaouthia), and the Sumatran spitting cobra (Naja sumatrana) - despite their venoms also

containing some amount of neurotoxins. Occasionally, a combination of neurologic dysfunction and

tissue necrosis may occur as with the Indian cobra (Naja naja).

Venom Composition

As with all snake venoms, cobra venoms are multicomponent products. Variations in composition

occur between species as a result of evolutionary adaptions. Some of cobra venom components


α-neurotoxins (or α-cobratoxins). Also called three-fingered toxins due to their molecular shape,

this family of neurotoxins competitively binds to post-synaptic nicotinic acetylcholine receptors

to produce block depolarization, resulting in paralysis. The most concerning outcomes are

bulbar and respiratory muscle paralysis resulting in death. [1]

Cardiotoxins. These cause a host of issues - including irreversible cell depolarization and

contraction of muscular cells, cellular lysis,  dysfunction of platelet aggregation, inhibition of

protein kinase C and Na+/K+ ATPase, and more - leading to dysarrhythmias and hemodynamic



Complement-activating proteins. Complement-depleting cobra venom factor (CVF) activates the

alternative complement pathway without the standard antigen-antibody complex. It also

dysregulates the pathway’s ability to halt the activation, overall leading to a depletion of

complement factors and proteins and ultimately hindering the complement system from

opsonizing and neutralizing venom. [7]

Enzymes. The major enzymatic toxins include phospholipase A2 (damages mitochondria,

hematocytes, skeletal muscles, and vascular endothelium), hyaluronidase (facilitates tissue

dispersion of other toxins by degrading extracellular matrix at bite site), L -amino acid oxidase

(gives many venoms a characteristic yellow coloration), and acetylcholinesterase (terminates

cholingeric neurotransmission impairing muscle contraction). [1, 7]


Naja philippinensis (Philippine cobra) venom is the most toxic of the cobra venoms, with a

subcutaneous median lethal dose (LD50

) of 0.14 mg/kg in mice. In comparison, the corresponding


 for Naja naja (Indian cobra) venom is 0.29 mg/kg, for Naja haje (Egyptian cobra) venom is 1.75

mg/kg, for king cobra venom is 1.73 mg/kg, and for Naja nigricollis (black-necked spitting cobra)

venom is 3.05 mg/kg.



About 5.4 millions snake bites occur every year, according to the World Health Organization. Of these,

envenomations account for 1.8 to 2.7 million - resulting in 81,000 to 138,000 fatalities and nearly three

times this in terms of permanent sequelae and amputations. Under-reporting of snake bites, resulting

complications, and death is likely ubiquitous. Countries in which bites occur often have less developed

healthcare infrastructure and reporting and data collecting systems in place. [8]


Snakebites are a significant medical problem in parts of Africa and Asia. The majority of

envenomations, up to 2 million, occur in Asia. Roughly half a million occur in Africa yearly resulting in

20,000 deaths. In West Africa, the annual bite incidence is 40-120 bites per 100,000 population. Two

rural Congolese regions report an annual incidence of 430 bites per 100,000 population. In a 7-year

survey, the Natalese incidence was 24 bites per 100,000 population. [8]

United States

Envenomations result from human interaction with cobras in zoos, research laboratories, and private

collections in the United States and other countries where cobras lack natural habitat. In a series of 54

consultations regarding bites by non-native snakes in the United States, 23 involved cobras. One

fatality occurred, and 7 other cases involved serious envenoming. In Russell's 1980 series, cobras

inflicted 18 of the 85 bites by non-native snakes. [9] No comparable data are available for other

nations, though it was reported that only 3 cobra bites among 32 bites inflicted by non-native

venomous snakes occurred in Britain (rattlesnakes were implicated most often in this series).


Because of increased exposure to snakes, men are bitten more often than women.


Determining the exact contribution of cobras to overall snakebite morbidity and mortality is difficult.

This stems from a larger issue of having reliable  counts of snake bites in general, as community and

government based reporting grossly undercounts numbers while population-based surveys likely more

accurately reflect morbidity and mortality.

[1, 8] In most cases, bitten individuals are unable to identify

the snake. Physicians are may by default attribute bites with neurotoxic symptoms to cobras without


In India, the annual mortality incidence is 5.6-12.6 per 100,000 population from overall snake bites. At

one time, Burma listed snakebite as its fifth leading cause of death. More recently, the annual mortality

incidence was 3.3 per 100,000 population. [10] Data from Thailand and Malaysia in the 1980s

demonstrate an annual mortality incidence of 0.1 per 100,000 population. 

In a Thai survey, cobras made up 17% of the 1145 snakes identified in bites and were responsible for

25% of the fatalities associated with those bites. [13] In northern Malaysia, cobras accounted for 23 of

854 bites in which the snake was identified. In a survey in Taiwan, cobras were blamed for 100 of 851

bites in which the snake was identified; none were fatal. [14] Cobras accounted for 2 of 95 bites on a

Liberian rubber plantation. [15] The ringhals was responsible for 18 of 314 envenomations in Natal.

Based on patients' symptoms alone, 18 other bites in this series were ascribed to cobras.

King cobra bites are considered more serious than bites from other cobra species because of the

greater volumes of injected venom and the more rapid onset of neurotoxic symptoms. Mortality is

also higher. In a series of 35 cases, 10 deaths occurred. [1] King cobras are also reputed for their short

bite-to-death times, ranging from minutes to hours, while other envenominations can take days.

Ringhals bites are similar to other cobra bites but are less serious both locally and systemically with

deaths being rare. A medical report of 4 bites by the desert black snake described relatively mild

symptoms and reported recovery without specific treatment. Anecdotal reports of fatal bites exist. No

medical accounts of bites by water cobras or tree cobras exist. [16]

Prevalance of chronic and permanent morbidity (such as amputations and physical disfigurement

resulting in handicap) due to snake bites is unknown.